Policy, Biotech Peter Kolchinsky Policy, Biotech Peter Kolchinsky

Can the European scorpion hold its sting?

European central planners should stop trying to talk the US out of incentivizing the development of better medicines that then also help Europeans and the rest of the world. It’s one thing to argue that any one country can’t afford to pay more for new drugs. It’s another thing entirely to put new drugs in jeopardy for everybody by exporting that thinking to the one country whose market-based system has underpinned the last several decades of pharmaceutical advances.

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Policy, Biotech Chris Morrison Policy, Biotech Chris Morrison

Innovation and biopharma M&A: feature, not bug

If the FTC begins to look askance at M&A between commercial-stage biopharmaceutical companies and the innovative smaller biotechs that so often are the sources of new medicines, that would be bad news for future R&D and the patients who depend on our industry for life-saving medicines. That they might do so in the name of preserving or protecting innovation in the first place would add insult to injury.

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Policy Chris Morrison Policy Chris Morrison

Post-launch, pre-cliff: The R&D Congress ignores

Often, a drug’s initial approval only hints at its full therapeutic potential and the eventual number of patients who may benefit over time. Continued R&D investment can unlock much more utility before the drug ultimately goes generic, but those investments require adequate incentives.

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Policy, Biotech Chris Morrison Policy, Biotech Chris Morrison

Biotech leaders urge fixes to bad Senate drug deal

We are deeply concerned the new Senate drug bill fails to deliver adequate relief to the nation’s seniors and their families. It falls short of a generational opportunity to meaningfully lower Medicare beneficiary and taxpayer out-of-pocket costs. The revised language is not good enough for patients, bad for biopharma innovation, and provides no guarantee that PBMs and insurance plans will share savings with beneficiaries.

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