Finance, Biotech Peter Kolchinsky Finance, Biotech Peter Kolchinsky

Semper Maior: Spirits Rising

A year ago we published the first “Semper Maior” piece, making the case that biotech was on firm ground and ready for a reboot. We put out the second piece last summer, when it felt like the rebound was underway. Had the year ended in October or even November… well, you know. But here we are after a general market and XBI surge feeling like biotech is now truly recovering from its prolonged downturn. So let’s mine the data, as we have before, to get a sense of what happened in 2023 and what lessons to take with us into 2024.

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Finance, Biotech Guest User Finance, Biotech Guest User

A going concern clause isn’t always a concern

There’s a convention that public biotech companies should plan to raise money by the time they get down to one year of cash left on their balance sheets to avoid a dreaded “going concern” clause in their financial statements. But if you’ve got data on the way, it’s not always necessary to try to raise cash - particularly if the only terms you can get are draconian. Here’s a roadmap for deliberately navigating through that one-year threshold, owning the clause, and letting your data guide your financing strategy.

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Finance, Biotech Chris Morrison Finance, Biotech Chris Morrison

Shutting down Silverback — a Q&A with Laura Shawver

Silverback Therapeutics’s wind-down and reverse merger process can serve as a template for other companies when their clinical trials fail. The company’s response to its setback also teaches us about scenario planning, the importance of moving quickly when a key program doesn’t deliver hoped-for data, and why we should look ahead to a biotech ecosystem that anticipates the consequences of – and opportunities stemming from – its inevitable clinical setbacks.

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