FutureCast | Time to Reboot Biotech


Featuring Raj Shah, Jake Simson, Tess Cameron, and Peter Kolchinsky

On RApport's FutureCast, the RA Capital team discusses how today's technology and policy trends could improve health and life on Earth for generations to come.

February 9, 2023

RApport’s FutureCast returned yesterday with a vibrant roundtable discussion about the health of the biotech industry and prospects for a recovery from the last two brutal years. 

If any of that sounds familiar, you might have already read the “Time to Reboot Biotech” article that we published just before the JPM conference. We wanted to give one of our most widely-read pieces some air time with a few hundred of our subscribers - who as you’ll see, weren’t shy about chiming in during the discussion (sadly the replay won’t show the constant Q&A taking place in the live-chat).

The panel also previewed one more financial analysis we just completed that contradicts a recently emerging conventional view of how to look for signals of a recovery. (It’s not in the Reboot article - but we’ll get to it, so stay tuned!)

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