Welcome to RApport


By RApport

RApport is an online communications hub for members of the biotech community to share ideas, problems, and solutions.

June 24, 2021

Welcome to RApport. We’re glad you’re here.

RApport is a network engagement hub founded and curated by employees of RA Capital (Chris Morrison, Jessica Sagers, and Tom Culman).

As a multi-stage investor and company creator, RA touches nearly every functional scientific and financial area. We’re constantly surrounded by interesting, experienced people with so much insight into how our industry works (and how it could work better). Our unique vantage point gives us the opportunity to curate and present a variety of these perspectives from those we know - and those we haven’t met yet. We hope they will be of interest to not only fellow investors, but biotech entrepreneurs, management, employees, and anyone else interested in the financial, scientific, and cultural facets of the biotech industry.

Our aspiration is for RApport to become a place for members of the RA Capital network and broader biotech ecosystem to share ideas, opinions, problems, and solutions that are as diverse as the folks presenting them.

From entrepreneur perspectives to deal and trend analyses to deep dives into science and technology, we hope there’s something here for everyone. And if you’d like to see something we’re not yet featuring, feel free to let us know on Twitter at @rapport_bio.

Let’s share some stories.

-Chris, Jess, & Tom


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