Semper Maior: Reflecting on a quiet 1H24
Our usual top-down biotech sector metrics showed that 1H24 was… pretty boring (though for us bottom-up folks, individual companies offer plenty of excitement). After the last few years, boring ain’t bad. With expectations of Fed easing interest rates due to waning inflation, the excitement level for the second half of the year has already picked up, but that’s not reflected in the metrics here.
Biotech’s Dulcius Ex Asperis: The Way Through This Downturn
The biotech sector is experiencing the most severe downturn of at least the last 20 years. There have been many other downturns in the more recent past, but this one is different. Here Peter Kolchinsky discusses why - and how we’ll rebound.
Do stocks trading near cash offer free upside?
When a biotech company is valued at around the same amount of cash it has sitting in the bank, is it a safe investment? Some investors might think so - and so we looked at the data. The answer might surprise you.