How can a board help determine the right level of staffing for a biotech?

How can a board help determine the right level of staffing for a biotech?

two deer fighting at middle of foresttwo deer fighting at middle of forest

February 27, 2025

Getting the right-sized staff for your company can be a real Goldilocks situation. And in biotech, it can vary widely depending on what kind of company you're running and what at what stage your product is. We spoke with some executives and board members who've found their "just right" at different biotechs and captured their thoughts for all on RA Capital's Gateway.


  • Peter Kolchinsky, PhD – Managing Partner, RA Capital Management
  • Ted Love, MD - President & CEO, Global Blood Therapeutics
  • Michael Bailey, MBA - President & CEO, AVEO Oncology
  • Travis Wilson, JD – Partner, Gurnet Point Capital
  • Paul Hastings – President & CEO, Nkarta Therapeutics
  • Dave Madden – Founder & Principal, Narrow River Management

As we've discussed in other Gateway interviews, companies can often make due with less staff than they think, and generally we stand by that. Things may be different at large pharmas, but at a startup it can often be better to work a small staff hard than have to lay off a large staff if money gets tight. Watch the video here.


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